Prices shown above are in US Dollars, based on your location, currently set to: United States of America
If this location is incorrect, please select a product, hit proceed, fill in your correct address and on the next page (the summary) you will receive the correct pricing.
Customers outside the European Union (EU) do not pay sales tax.
If you purchase as a EU business with a sales tax registration number , you can fill it in on the next pages to avoid sales tax. Customers from the EU with no business sales tax number pay local sales tax on the downloads and Dutch sales tax (BTW, echo $nederlands_btw_percentage;?>%) on the usb keys.
Audio Ease does not extend educational discounts.
Software: instant!
All software products are available for immediate download and activation, right after the purchase.
Physical items
The iLok USB key / HC-06 head tracker will be sent cheapest way:
by regular mail, without tracking options.
Typical delivery times:
Europe: 3 to 8 working days
Rest of the world: 10 to 20 working days.
TIP! Buying the iLok key at a local pro audio store may be quicker.
Please contact with any questions regarding the store, your purchase, upgrades etc.