Opera Södra Teatern - Stockholm, Sweden Operas & Theatres:
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home>impulse responses>music rooms>opera & theatre page update:Wed, Feb 09, 2011
Södra Teatern

Recording date: Sept 29, 2006
Engineers: Peter Bakker

Södra Teatern is a theatre in Stockholm, Sweden. Located in the popular "Söder"-district
(Södermalm - the south Stockholm district), it's one of Stockholms most appreciated
private theatres. Established in 1851, it's Stockholm's oldest private theatre.
Today, the popular stage is used for various theatre productions, as well as an arena
for pop and rock music concerts. (wikipedia)

Recorded using the Quad Spider consisting of 4 DPA 4006 Omnidirectional microphones
and a Genelec 1032 monitor to play back the sweeps.


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