Audio Ease - BarbaBatch - Supported Filetypes - Next Sun au files

NeXT/Sun linear (.snd)

This type is mainly used on NeXT, Sun and DEC computers.
It doesn't support compression schemes.
The standard file name extension for this soundfile type is ".snd"

You can specify any sample rate between 1 kHz and 200 kHz in the NeXT/Sun files. However, realize that the original hardware only supports three rates: 8012.821 (Codec Input), 22050 and 44100 Hz.

NeXT/Sun µ-law (.au)

This type is mainly used on NeXT, Sun and DEC computers and has become a standard for audio on the Internet.
µ-Law is pronounced as "mu-law".
µ-Law is a simple compression scheme to get better results in the dynamic range (8 bits µ-law sounds as approx. 12 bit linear).
The standard file name extension for this soundfile type is ".au"

You can specify any sample rate between 1 kHz and 200 kHz in the NeXT/Sun files. However, realize that the original hardware only supports three rates: 8012.821 (Codec Input), 22050 and 44100 Hz.

NeXT/Sun a-law (.au)

a-law is supposed to be the European flavor of mu-law. Please check NeXT/Sun µ-law for details.